Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sailing, Fairy Music, & Wonders in the Sky

This week in Disney Roy E. Disney, Walt Disney’s nephew, is about to begin a sailing adventure. The 77 year old has enjoyed sailing since his 20’s and is looking forward to the next voyage. This trip wasn’t just for a joy ride though; they are filming a documentary called “Morning Light.” Roy said he wanted “audiences to experience this through the eyes of kids who’ve never done this before.” The kids in the film aren’t actors they simply just wanted to sail a boat. Roy said he enjoyed the trip and watching the kids who participated grow as individuals. "We didn't want to make a film about boats or racing ... we wanted to make a film about people. I hope audiences take away a sense of hope and optimism about the future of our young people. Our goal is to give all of you landlubbers a better sense of what goes on between two ports without making you seasick in the process. You identify with these kids as you cross the ocean with them. It changed their lives ... maybe it'll change yours too."
This week Disney also released a Tinkerbell soundtrack on Tuesday October 14th. The songs were all from or related to the Tinkerbell feature film. Two popular singers that can be found on the CD are American Idol star Katharine McPhee and Disney teen star from the TV show Wizards of Waverly Place Selena Gomez.
On Disney Insider a guest from Pittsburgh, PA talked about how they enjoyed the Flights of Wonder show at Disney Animal Kingdom. This week their question was answered which was “One of my favorite things at the Animal Kingdom is the Flights of Wonder show. The birds are magnificent. Has this show been part of the Animal Kingdom from the beginning? What can you tell me about the birds and the trainers?” When they responded they told her that the Flights of Wonder show consists of 20 different species of birds in the show. The show started in 1998 and every show since had been unique because every show is made up of a different variety if birds that all can do different tricks.

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