Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Man Himself

On December 5, 1901 Walter Elias Disney was born and little did the world know all the great that he would bring. During these couple days Disney has highlighted some of the achievements and accomplishments he has achieved. One major achievement Walt accomplished was turning a cartoon into a full length feature film. Cartoons were invented before Walt was born, but they only played short cartoons before movies. His vision of creating a full length feature cartoon film has led to many amazing films including Beauty & the Beast and Disney Pixars Cars. Another of Walt's dreams was too create a theme park that children could go to and not worry about drinking and wild adults and teens. His dream then turned into reality when Walt Disney World opened. He also is the one who brought us the one and only Mickey Mouse. These are just some of the achievements that he has had and Disney continues to grow and expand on Walt's dream. To think of a World without Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, Pluto, and many other characters that we have all come to know and love is almost to hard to imagine. Walt has helped to create another world where people can go and experience their childhood over and over again no matter how old they are.

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